
turtle back Learn more about turtle back

  • When should the turtle back bamboo be changed? What do you need to pay attention to in breeding tortoise-backed bamboo?

    When should the turtle back bamboo be changed? What do you need to pay attention to in breeding tortoise-backed bamboo?

    Today, I would like to tell you that this kind of plant is called tortoise back bamboo, and we must be no stranger to it. So when we breed turtle back bamboo, when do we want to change the pot for him? when we breed tortoise back bamboo, we will change its basin.

  • How to raise yellow-eared turtles

    How to raise yellow-eared turtles

    Yellow-eared turtle, also known as yellow-bellied slippery turtle, is a popular ornamental turtle. It has bright yellow spots behind its eyes, has good water quality, and likes to bask in its back. How to raise yellow-eared turtles? How to raise yellow-eared turtles 1. Prepare a medium-sized fish tank and build it in the tank

    2020-11-11 Yellow-eared turtle how raise yellow-eared turtle also called yellow belly slippery turtle yes
  • Introduction to the culture of yellow mud turtle

    Introduction to the culture of yellow mud turtle

    1. A brief introduction to the species of yellow mud turtles, also known as yellow mud turtles and yellow mud egg turtles, is one of the common species of egg turtles. The back nail is yellow, the nail piece is larger, flat,.

  • Green flowers, how to cultivate bamboo on the back of turtles in water

    Green flowers, how to cultivate bamboo on the back of turtles in water

    The method of hydroponic turtles requires the use of small soil plants to remove the back of the tortoise from the soil, clean the roots, and try not to damage the roots. Then cut off all the surrounding roots (the main root in the middle should not be cut). Remember to soak the root of the tortoise back in a dilute potassium permanganate solution for about 10 minutes. Take a glass container

  • Tortoise back bamboo rotten root, turtle back bamboo maintenance method

    Tortoise back bamboo rotten root, turtle back bamboo maintenance method

    Tortoise back bamboo rotten roots, when breeding turtle back bamboo, need to give it a warm and moist growth environment. Because the tortoise back bamboo is afraid of drought, it needs sufficient watering when breeding, but if it is watered too much, there will be water in the basin.

  • The difference between Big Crocodile Turtle and Little Crocodile Turtle

    The difference between Big Crocodile Turtle and Little Crocodile Turtle

    The difference between Big Crocodile Turtle and Little Crocodile Turtle

  • What turtle is the best to keep and look good?

    What turtle is the best to keep and look good?

    What turtle is the best to keep and look good?

  • What about the yellowing of bamboo leaves on the back of hydroponic turtles? what about rotten roots?

    What about the yellowing of bamboo leaves on the back of hydroponic turtles? what about rotten roots?

    To talk about this tortoise back bamboo is relatively easy to raise, but also can be hydroponic, this is a lot easier, let's take a look at the hydroponic turtle back bamboo leaves yellow how to do? Hydroponic turtle back bamboo rotten root how to do: hydroponic turtle back bamboo leaves yellow how to do: 1, put in a place with sufficient light. The leaves are yellowing, especially to strengthen the light.

  • Can the turtle back bamboo be raised in water? how to raise the turtle back bamboo in hydroponics?

    Can the turtle back bamboo be raised in water? how to raise the turtle back bamboo in hydroponics?

    Nowadays, many people raise a pot of tortoise-backed bamboo at home. The plant of the tortoise-backed bamboo is very beautiful, which is somewhat similar to the shell of the tortoise. In addition, the longevity of the tortoise-backed bamboo is the first choice for many families. But modern people raise flowers and plants not only

    2020-11-08 Turtle back bamboo can with water raise bamboo water cultivate how now
  • The reason for the rotten roots of bamboo on the back of turtles

    The reason for the rotten roots of bamboo on the back of turtles

    Too much watering needs to give the tortoise a warm and moist growing environment when raising the bamboo on its back. Because the tortoise back bamboo is more afraid of drought, it needs sufficient watering when breeding, but if it is watered too much, there will be water in the basin, and then there will be rotting roots. Overfertilized tortoise back bamboo is a fat-loving plant.

  • Golden head turtle

    Golden head turtle

    Golden-headed turtles are known as Huangyuan box turtles, and other nicknames include yellow board turtles, snake turtles, broken plate turtles and so on. In China, it is mainly distributed in Anhui, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Guangxi, Guangdong and other places. Foreign countries are mainly distributed in Japan. The main results are as follows: 1. The back armor of the golden head turtle is crimson, the center is high, and there are light yellow steep ribs, each shield has a fine concentric circle pattern, the back nail edge, shield and ventral surface are all yellow, so it has the name "yellow box turtle". The ventral nail is black and spotless. Light olive on the top of the head and on the sockets

  • What if the leaves of the tortoise back bamboo turn yellow?

    What if the leaves of the tortoise back bamboo turn yellow?

    1. Unsuitable soil, Phyllostachys pubescens has well-developed fleshy roots and has high requirements for soil air permeability. Clayey or slightly clayey soil is disadvantageous to its growth. If the soil is not changed for a long time or the air permeability of the soil is poor, it will cause soil hardening, affect the respiration of the root of the tortoise back bamboo, make the tortoise back bamboo grow poorly and the leaves turn yellow.

  • The difference between stone turtle and Chinese grass turtle

    The difference between stone turtle and Chinese grass turtle

    Stone turtles are also known as yellow-throated water turtles, stone money and fragrant turtles. Grass turtle is also known as tortoise, golden tortoise and so on. So what's the difference between stone turtles and Chinese grass turtles? The skull of the stone tortoise has a bony zygomatic arch; the square yoke is cut with the retroorbital bone and the yoke (zygomatic bone).

    2020-11-11 Stone turtle and Chinese grass turtle the difference stone tortoise also known as
  • Can hydroponic turtles with bamboo on their backs raise fish? can they be cultivated in soil?

    Can hydroponic turtles with bamboo on their backs raise fish? can they be cultivated in soil?

    If you want to talk about this tortoise-backed bamboo, it is relatively easy to raise, or it can be hydroponically cultivated. Let's take a look at whether hydroponic turtle-backed bamboo can raise fish. Can hydroponic turtle back bamboo be cultivated in soil? can hydroponic tortoise back bamboo cultivate fish? generally speaking, hydroponic turtle back bamboo can also raise fish. Grasp the principle of flower cultivation, fish culture as a supplement, and small fish culture as the best.

  • The difference between Brazilian turtles and grass turtles

    The difference between Brazilian turtles and grass turtles

    As we all know, there are hundreds of turtles in the world, and there are not a few turtles that can be raised by ordinary families. Each kind of tortoise has its own fan base and people who love it. However, different species of turtles naturally have different breeding techniques, and

    2020-11-11 Brazil tortoise and grass turtle the difference we all all know
  • How to raise bamboo on the back of Xiandong turtles

    How to raise bamboo on the back of Xiandong turtles

    Xiandong tortoise back bamboo is also called porous tortoise back bamboo, the edge of its leaf is complete, but there are holes of different sizes in the middle of the leaf, which has high ornamental value. So how to raise the bamboo on the back of the fairy hole turtle? First, the soil immortal cave turtle back bamboo likes to grow in loose, fertile and row

    2020-11-11 Fairy cave tortoise back bamboo how raise fairy cave also called
  • The reason why the bamboo leaves on the back of the tortoise turn yellow! What about the yellowing of bamboo leaves on the back of hydroponic turtles?

    The reason why the bamboo leaves on the back of the tortoise turn yellow! What about the yellowing of bamboo leaves on the back of hydroponic turtles?

    Phyllostachys pubescens is a potted foliage plant loved by families. If it is not maintained properly, it is easy to have yellow leaves, which will affect the ornamental value, and seriously affect the growth and even the death of plants. Tortoise back bamboo is native to the Mexican rainforest. It likes a warm and humid living environment and avoids strong light exposure and drying.

  • What about the rotten root of the turtle?

    What about the rotten root of the turtle?

    What about the rotten root of the turtle?

  • Home "turtle back bamboo" grow "big white beard", asked others to know, the original work.


    With the advent of autumn, the growth of all kinds of plants is slowly becoming faster. Sometimes it is a good thing for plants to grow faster, but sometimes it is superfluous. Recently, many friends told Huahua that their turtle-backed bamboo grew out of something else, and the more they saw it, the more uncomfortable it became, but they didn't know what it was. When Huahua took a closer look, it turned out that the tortoise-backed bamboo had taken root.

  • Identification of seven species of closed-shell turtles

    Identification of seven species of closed-shell turtles

    At present, the breeding of closed-shell turtles is one of the hot spots in turtle breeding. There are seven species of closed-shell turtles, except Anbu closed-shell turtle is a common species, the other six species are difficult to see their appearance. In order to enable farmers to select species correctly, the identification methods of seven species of closed-shell turtles are introduced as follows: 1. The difference between closed-shell turtles and other turtle species closed-shell turtles are specialized groups of turtles. The middle part of their abdominal nail is connected by ligaments, which is like a hinge and can move. after death, the ligament is broken and the abdominal nail becomes two segments, so the closed-shell turtle is called broken plate tortoise.
